AbleSet 2.8.0-beta.11

  • Added support for track groups (docs)
    • Track groups can be created by adding +G: or +GROUP: followed by the group name to the track’s name, e.g. Vox 1 +G:BACKINGS
    • They can be muted or soloed from the performance page or using OSC
  • Added a setting to control whether jumping back one song will first jump to the beginning of the current song or directly to the previous song
  • Added an option to vertically flip the lyrics on the lyrics page
    • This is useful for displaying lyrics on a teleprompter
  • Improved the “previous song” button tooltip in the setlist page to show the correct action based on the state of the song
  • Fixed settings not being transmitted via OSC when AbleSet first starts
  • Fixed a few layout issues on the performance page
  • Fixed an issue where lyrics would stop scrolling halfway through the animation when another scroll animation was running simultaneously
  • Fixed auto-hiding buttons not hiding automatically on devices with touch screens

You can download this beta here:
Mac (ARM):


Do you think it’d be possible to implement a fade in/out per group?

Hey @tarsa, welcome to the forum!

Do you mean an automated fade in/out when unmuting/muting tracks or a volume fader for more granular control? :slight_smile:

In particular I’m talking about an automated fade in/out over something like 1 or 2 bars. Although, faders would be nice to have as well.

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This would be a great feature. I’ve done this using envelopes and a key to fade out the tracks if the band got off and would fade it back in when back on but an option with OSC would be awesome!

Both would actually be pretty awesome to be honest. Making slight adjustments to levels without jumping back into ableton every time would be nice

So excited about the groups feature! I can’t wait to try it out.

On a side note, what do you think about moving the recording indicator in the performance view to the transport control buttons below (like in the setlist view)? I thought it might help streamline the interface.

Thanks for the amazing work, Léo!

@iamderkis implementing a fade-out/in feature shouldn’t be too difficult. To preserve the volume levels of each track, I could imagine the following steps for fading tracks out and in:

  • Fade Out: Store the initial track volume, gradually reduce the volume until the track is quiet (-Inf dB), mute the track, and reset its volume slider back to the stored value
  • Fade In: Store initial track volume, set track volume to -Inf dB, unmute the track, and gradually increase the volume until it reaches the stored value

Implementing a volume slider for track groups will likely be more complex when each track in a group can have its own volume level. The easiest implementation would be to overwrite the volume level so it becomes the same on all tracks of a given group, but that might lead to sudden jumps in volume when you use the volume slider.

A more difficult approach would be to have the volume slider show an average of the volume of all tracks and add/subtract the same value to the volume of all tracks when you move it. This should be possible, but I’m unsure how to handle cases where all tracks become silent, for example. I’ll check how other products do this.

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@agustinvolpe that’s a good idea! I’ve just implemented this and will release it as part of the next beta :slight_smile:

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