We use ableset on Sundays for running tracks, it’s been great, but sometimes when we jump around sections we’ll want to do a down chorus or down bridge when there isn’t one in the tracks. Would it be possible to have dynamic mute groups where I could tag a clip with something like +MUTE1 and use an osc command to mute all tracks with clip playing that have that tag when the next section plays? Then I could say have all the up clips with that tag and queue the mute until the next section for a down chorus.
Hey @jzf, thank you for this feature request!
I’m not sure I fully understand what you’d like AbleSet to do with the mute groups, unfortunately. Could you elaborate on your use case and what you’d like to see added to AbleSet?
I’m looking forward to your reply!
Hi @leolabs , Thanks for your reply.
I’d like to be able to tag part of a track (e.g the electric guitar and keys in the bridge) as part of a mute group. Then during a set I would like to be able to mute that group, either ad hoc, or queued based on an upcoming section. This would allow me to create a “down bridge” by muting the up parts of the section, which would be great when jumping around sections in a worship set!
That makes sense, thank you for elaborating on this! I think this is a good feature, and I’ll see how I can best implement this.
@agustinvolpe had a similar request here:
What do you think of my proposal?
That sounds great.
Thanks for all your brilliant work on this software Leo!
Hello. I wanted to do the same. And I found a way. You have to duplicate the section you want to use for that purpose. Then delete the audio clips that you do not need for this purpose. You assign a new name to the section. You take it to the end of the track and activate the Loop and that’s it! You can assign a midi button to the section and launch it whenever you want. You can even lower the volume, etc etc. That’s how I do it!
Hey @jzf,
I just released AbleSet 2.8.0-beta.11 with support for track groups.
If you’re interested in giving it a try, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!