Feature Preview: MIDI Mapping

I just released AbleSet 2.5.0-beta.7 which adds support for sending OSC commands to external servers. You can find the docs here: Controlling AbleSet with Your MIDI Controller – AbleSet

AbleSet tries to be as smart as possible with arguments, so you don’t have to manually specify the type of them:

  • 123: integer
  • 123.0: float
  • true and false: boolean
  • test or "test": string

Arguments that are wrapped in quotes (", ', or `) are always treated as strings, so "true" won’t be converted to a boolean and "123" won’t be converted to an integer.

Let me know how this works for you. I’m looking forward to your feedback!

Hi Leo,

Yesterday I was able to test it and finally it is working fine for me. I noticed somehow Totalmix requires the stop to be send twice for whatever reason, so I added another line which worked fine. Thanks a lot for this update.

One confusion I have - If I look in the OSC Monitor “Protokol” the Port is displayed differently:

However, in Ableton OSC monitor I can see these messages as well with the defined Port:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-25 um 12.17.06


I’m glad to hear the new OSC feature works well for you!

The port you see in Protokol is the one AbleSet uses to send the OSC message, which is different from the port to which the message is sent.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

Hey guys! I’m new to OSC, and I didn’t want to start a new thread provided I got a similar question.
I would like to start recording in ableton when i start any given song on my setlist.
Can this be achieved with AbleSet sending a custom OSC message?
Or do I need a separate app (touch OSC maybe?) for that?
For starters, I’d like to be able to achieve just that, and ideally I’d like to have the recording start just on one of the two-computer redundant setup😅

Hey @agustinvolpe,

You can do this within AbleSet by using the AbletonOSC plugin. I’ve demonstrated your exact use case here:

AbletonOSC allows you to control almost any aspect of Live using OSC – they have a large list of commands that you can find here.

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

Oh I didn’t see that one😬
Will try this asap.
Thanks Leo!

Just came back to this.
Are there plans to be able to map a custom OSC message like the record button, without installing the Ableton OSC script?

Currently, there are no plans to make recording available in AbleSet, but the AbletonOSC control surface script should be stable enough for this.

Have you encountered any issues with this script or would this be more of a convenience thing? :slight_smile:

Oh no, the Ableton OSC script works just fine.
Just asking because of this, (and also because I’m lazy🤣).

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Should midi mapped OSC commands be passed via AbleNet as well? I mapped a few of them and have the AbleNet toggle on, but it still only effects the instantiation of Ableset I mapped it in (and not the other).