Man this will be killer. Amazing Leo!
You can already try this out in the latest beta if you like. AbleSet looks for a folder called “Lyrics” in your Ableton Live project folder which can contain any kind of image your browser supports. The lyrics folder can contain subfolders if you want to organize your images, e.g. into one folder per song.
To add an image (e.g. atw-1.png) to your lyrics, create a MIDI clip called [img:atw-1.png]
on your lyrics track. Images in subfolders can be referenced like [img:Song Name/image.png]
I’d love to hear what you think when you try this out!
I’ve just released a new beta that should fix this. I’m always caught off guard by the fact that Windows uses backward slashes for paths while macOS uses forward slashes. That was the underlying issue
Same issue here Leo ! On macos with the new beta 3 !
Could you send me a screenshot of your project folder structure, along with a log package? You can create one by clicking on “Create Log Package” in AbleSet’s settings menu.
This will allow me to look under the hood and check what might be causing AbleSet to not find the images.
So it works perfectly when I’m loading a set that isn’t located in a Dropbox folder. It seems to be a file permissions issue.
And since I authorized Ableset to access the desktop, it even works when the set is in a Dropbox folder.
But after reloading Ableset it fails to open the images…
Thank you for the logs! Currently, AbleSet looks for the closest folder ending in “Project” to find the project root because that’s usually what Ableton Project folders are called. I’ll see if I can find another heuristic to quickly determine in which folder it should look for the “Lyrics” folder.
Ok ! Glad you found the problem !
I’m trying to get this to work, but it doesn’t so far for me. I’m simply putting the following name on a midi clip in the existing lyrics track I have [img:songname.png][FULL]. I have a Lyrics folder in the project and have a file named “songname.png” in there – but nothing shows up?
Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong or what to try?
Hey @BeSharp,
Could you post a screenshot of your project’s folder structure and send me a log package to so I can inspect this issue? You can create one by clicking on “Create Log Package” in AbleSet’s settings menu.
Here you go. Thanks for the help. Email was too big to send you with the log file. I’ll send it to you via wetransfer. Thx.
Thanks for the files!
I just inspected the logs and it seems like you’re running an outdated version. Could you try updating to the latest beta (AbleSet 2.4.0-beta.7) and check if that fixes the problems for you?
If it doesn’t, feel free to send me another log package so I can take a closer look.
Hey @BeSharp,
Thank you for the logs! It seems like AbleSet recognizes the its-my-life.png
file in your Lyrics folder, but I couldn’t find any clip referencing it in your project file, e.g. [img:its-my-life.png]
or similar.
Could you send me a screenshot of what it looks like when you create a lyrics clip that references this image and view it on the lyrics page? You can also send me a video showing this issue if you like, that often helps with troubleshooting.
I’m looking forward to your feedback!
OK. I got it sorted. It’s now working fine. The problem was that I merged 2 sets and ended up with 2 different lyrics tracks while I was testing it. After I deleted one of the lyrics tracks everything started working as expected. Thanks Leo!
Lil’ update: I’ve just published a tool that allows you to convert a PDF file (e.g. sheet music) into a lyrics track with one line per page. I found it cumbersome to split PDFs into images myself, so I wanted a way to automate this:
You can choose between PNG and JPEG and the tool automatically optimizes images to be as small as possible in order to reduce loading times on the lyrics page. The result is a project folder including a project file with one lyrics clip per page and a lyrics folder containing one image per page.
Let me know if you find this useful, I’m looking forward to your feedback!
I love the idea of this but I am unable to get it to work on 2.4.1. I’m seeing an error that says “Could not find…” Do I put the entire project file into the Ableton Project folder or just the lyrics folder?