Universal MIDI Mappings

I’m not sure if this can be implemented, but I was thinking that AbleSet could have an option for universal MIDI mappings, similar to how MIDI mappings work in Ableton Live. In Live, mappings are not device-specific; for example, C1 can be mapped to control the speaker on/off on a given track, and Live will respond to whichever device sends that note on incoming MIDI set to “remote” in the input configuration. Perhaps AbleSet could have a similar feature where MIDI mappings respond universally, regardless of the input device.
What do you think?

Hey @agustinvolpe,

That should be relatively easy to add. Do you have a specific use case for this feature? :slight_smile:

Well in my case, I control AbleSet with a number of different devices (widi master via bluetooth when traveling, a focusrite interface’s MIDI ports, a MOTU MIDI XT Express, plus two other audio interfaces we use in rehearsal and on the road. All of the same messages mapped to midi channel 3; on the ground that we use a MIDI channel per device).
And while every interface is mapped, if something needs to be changed, then everything else has to be re-mapped again.
So having a universal mapping option would make things a lot easier on that end.

That makes sense! I’ll add it to my to-do list and will try to implement this soon :slight_smile:

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