Undo Update because of >1y license

Dear Ableset Team!

I updated my AbleSet Version from 2.6.6 to 2.7.4 today. Unfortunately I did not know that my license was older than one year (I am working as a MD for a band) and the Application did not warn me that I won’t be able to use it without a new license. Is there any possibility to undo the update and use the former version of AbleSet?
Thanks for your help!

I already created a Logfile but cannot attach it.

Please let me know, if you need any more Information. The license is registered to a different mailadress.

Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:

  • M1 Ventura 13.4.1

I fixed it by deleting Ableset and Copying the application from my second laptop to the first

Hey @Xavern, welcome to the forum!

I’m glad you found a solution to this issue! A bug in AbleSet 2.6 caused the app to update without properly checking whether your license covers the new version. This is fixed in 2.7.

For anyone else experiencing the same issue, you can download older versions of AbleSet from the Changelog page, or by logging into your account and clicking the download button next to your license key.