I bounce instruments of multitrack to single file to see song dynamics to know which part I can jump to.
But unfortunatelly since strating using AbleSet I’m unsure how lound or quiet each part is.
I would like to see in some way. The best I can suggest is something like the following (just used photoshop for quick sketch)
I’m not sure if there is technical possibility for implementation, because it likely involves reading .asd files, but still worth a shot to ask.
Hi, @leolabs
I’ve implemented waveforms for steamdeck
The only thing I don’t have access to for the most smooth experience is ableset runtime to generate waveform data from opened project
For now I just pre-compile my project with WAV file to Jason and read it from companion module
← MrCartoon:feature/add_waveforms_support
opened 03:04PM - 29 Oct 24 UTC
Here's a demo of 2 songs, the most important part for me is to be able to see qu… iet and loud parts to avoid jumping like in the second example
Here is the script for getting waveform data by sections
← MrCartoon:feature/script-to-generate-waveform-data
opened 03:05PM - 29 Oct 24 UTC
…], ...lower[]]*] format (7
If you’d to let me collaborate this part I’d do it happily
Keep in mind current companion module updates in some cases have visual bugs that I’m working around at the time
UPD: fixed known bugs