Search for songs, or layout with A..B...C...D, etc

I’m in a top 40 dance band. We perform without a set list and “call” songs on the fly. Right now I have about 200+ tunes in the list in alphabetical order, but it’s tough to scroll so far up and down during a gig. Would love to have a search bar to type in the first few letters and jump to a song, or an easy way to jump to a particular group of songs under the letter “Y” (for example).

Hey @BeSharp!

Since AbleSet runs in the browser, you should be able to use its search functionality to search for and jump to songs in your setlist, e.g. by pressing CMD+F.

Alternatively, if you’re fine with the order of songs changing, you can press the plus button in the bottom right or press CMD+K. You can then search for a song which will be added to the setlist after the current one.

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks. CMD+F definitely works. I’m not sure I want to permanently change the order of the songs yet, but will keep that in mind. Thanks for the prompt response.

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Just a tip regarding “Find in Page” searching from my experience: for anyone reading that’s using an iOS device like an iPad to control your show on stage, Safari will only highlight its search results, while Chrome will automatically scroll to the first search result (and to subsequent results as you select the arrows next to the search query field).
Due to this, I only use Chrome for AbleSet on any stage devices (all iOS) that are controlling our show. Also, I had to disable the “Native Find in Page” Chrome Flag experimental feature.