Redundant Start/Stop Issues

I have my Oaktone mini mapped directly to Ableton through host port 1 for start/stop on both computers. It works perfectly.

How can I add a boss foot pedal through control port 1 of the playaudio 1u to do the same? I’ve already midi mapped the foot pedal through ableset at cc 64 and it will start the A computer but not the B…

Also… How do I get the song to go back to the beginning when stopping playback?

I am using two M3 computers running Ableton 12.1 and Ableset 2.7.4 via a network switch.

Hey @Twan2289,

This might be caused by the MIDI mapping you recently removed from your B computer. Could you check your PlayAUDIO1U’s Control Port configuration to ensure it’s properly sending CC when the foot pedal is pressed and then re-add the mapping?

I’d recommend changing the CC number to something other than 64 to avoid re-introducing the issue you had before.

I’m looking forward to your reply!