It would be nice to be able to include ClyphX commands in the arrangement markers that execute their actions, but are also still recognized as section markers. I know the default behavior is for AbleSet to ignore the ClyphX language, but I’ve encountered a couple of scenarios where it would be nice to have both.
Do you have some examples for what a section marker with ClyphX commands might look like?
Primarily a BPM marker, such as
[] bpm 118
This would allow last minute changes to song tempo in a set without having to have a tempo track or a leader clip.
This way, the bpm could be hardcoded in to the song marker or the first section.
How would you add the song/section name into the same marker name? Does ClyphX have some kind of syntax to add arbitrary text that it will ignore?
Yeah, I don’t think it does, as far as I know. This is something I’ll have to think more on. I don’t like using leader tracks to set tempo in the Arrangement view because there is no easy way to adjust tempo if we decide to do a song a bit faster or slower than the original.
You should be able to fairly easily change the tempo of your songs using tempo leader clips. It should work like this:
This also has the advantage that AbleSet will be able to properly calculate the duration of your songs as it knows the tempo automation of the entire project.
I hope this helps!
I never once thought of using a dummy audio clip to set tempos. I was using my click track to be the leader, but it had the disadvantage of fouling up the timing if I tried to change the BPM at the warped clip level. If I use silence without warp markers and set that as the leader (as I think you have shown here), it works brilliantly. Thanks @leolabs !
I’m glad I could help! Shall I mark this feature request as closed?
For sure. That will work great for me moving forward.