Opening lyrics window in external display + Hiding the "Next: Song"

  1. Does anyone know if it’s possible to open lyrics as full screen in a separate window, similar to how Ableton allows you to open their video player? Need to send the lyric view to a prompter and want to see if its possible to do so without the top bar of the browser being visible.

  2. And also, is it possible to hide the “Next: [Song Name]” that comes up in lyrics?

Hey @miikaii,

Most browsers allow you to hide the toolbar in full screen. For example, in Safari and Chrome, you can do this by ensuring that View → Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen is unchecked. Other browsers should have a similar option.

To hide the “Next: Song Name” header, you can make use of AbleSet’s Custom Styles feature. To hide the next song on the lyrics page, add the following custom styles:

.lyrics .line.nextSong {
  display: none;

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

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Thank you Leo! Kicking myself for not figuring that out sooner. Was looking for an option in the browser settings but it’s only accessible via right-clicking (just in case anyone runs into that as well).

And thanks for the custom style instructions :slight_smile: I will try that out

Hi Leo, update; I added the custom style, but the next song name header still appears. Also tried restarting Ableset. Maybe I’m doing something wrong:

Hey @miikaii, this feature is also only available since AbleSet 2.6.0, unfortunately.

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Yep, figured that out quick lol Updated and everything works as expected! One last question; is there an attribute that can be put in the lyrics track that’ll make all the lyrics within it bold/italic? Similar to how the color attribute works

You can do this using custom CSS. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this:

  1. Bold Lyrics:

    .lyrics .lyrics-line {
        font-weight: bold;
  2. Italic Lyrics:

    .lyrics .lyrics-line {
        font-style: italic;

You can add these styles to your custom CSS file.

To target only one specific lyrics track, you can add its slug to the CSS, e.g.

.lyrics.vocals .lyrics-line {
    font-style: italic;

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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