OBS Performance View Browser Help

I am currently using OBS to display multiple “browsers” with Ableset features. The main portion is the +Lyrics tracks that has all of the song’s lyrics on it. The rest is all information coming from Performance View. In OBS most of the “Browsers” are selected and have the same URL that points to performance view and then I use the “Interact” feature to filter out things that I do not need to show on that particular browser (one browser only shows the section progress bar, one shows the song progress, one shows the song information, etc). I am doing it this way so that I can format it on the screen how I need it because it is a pretty long distance from our Choir so having them be able to read it, I needed to be able to size things individually. I will attach screenshots of what I have so far.

The issue that I am facing is that anytime I have to refresh the browser or reopen OBS, all of the “Browsers” pointing to Performance View, reload into the default view for Performance View as I would expect it to do and then I have to go in and reset each of the Browsers using the interact feature of OBS. Is there a better way that I could accomplish this? I realize that it is sort of an odd setup but just curious if I am approaching this the wrong way or if there is a way to force Performance View for those browsers to display only the information I need. I am open to trying anything. Thank you in advance!

  • macOS Ventura 13.3)
  • Ableset 2.7
  • 11.3.3

Hey @iamderkis,

That’s a cool approach to creating your own layout!

AbleSet has a hidden ds URL parameter that overrides device-specific settings. This is used internally to ensure that device settings are properly synced when switching between instances of AbleSet with AbleNet. Currently, it completely overrides everything, but I’ll improve this to support only overriding parts of the settings in the next beta.

To use this parameter, adjust the performance view to your needs, then go to AbleSet’s settings page, click “Device Settings”, and copy the entire settings object to your clipboard.

This object could look like this:

  "performance": {
    "showSongInfo": true,
    "showDescription": true,
    "showSection": true,
    "showTags": true,
    "showSongTags": true,
    "showNextSection": true,
    "showNextSectionDescription": false,
    "showTempo": true,
    "showTimeSignature": true,
    "showGlobalQuantization": false,
    "showDuration": true,
    "showRemainingDuration": true,
    "showSongProgress": true,
    "showSectionNames": false,
    "showSectionProgress": true,
    "showTimecode": true,
    "showClock": false,
    "showPosition": false,
    "showPositionBeat": true,
    "showQuickPlay": true,
    "showLyrics": false,
    "showSetlist": false,
    "showNext": true,
    "showRemaining": true,
    "showAudioInterfaces": true,
    "showRecordIndicator": true,
    "showMetronome": false,
    "sectionColors": true,
    "fourControls": false,
    "showPlayAudio12": true
  "setlist": {
    "hideRemovedSongs": false,
    "scrollToCurrentSong": true,
    "showSongAndSectionNumbers": true,
    "showTimeSignature": false,
    "showGlobalQuantization": false,
    "autoExpandCurrentSong": false,
    "showRemainingTime": false,
    "showAudioInterfaces": true,
    "showRecordIndicator": true,
    "showMeasureJumpButtons": false
  "lyrics": {
    "showRecordIndicator": true,
    "showLoopToggle": false,
    "showPlayButton": true,
    "showNextSong": true
  "position": {
    "showMetronome": true,
    "showBeat": true
  "timeLeft": {
    "showSet": true,
    "showSong": true

To save on space, paste the copied text into JSON Minify and click minify. Then copy the result into URL Encoder and click “Encode”.

You can then add the resulting text to your URL as a parameter, for example:<your settings>

Here’s what it could look like:

With the next beta, you could reduce the length of the URL by only providing performance-specific settings, for example:

  "performance": {
    "showSongInfo": true,
    "showDescription": true,
    "showSection": true,
    "showTags": true,
    "showSongTags": true,
    "showNextSection": true,
    "showNextSectionDescription": false,
    "showTempo": true,
    "showTimeSignature": true,
    "showGlobalQuantization": false,
    "showDuration": true,
    "showRemainingDuration": true,
    "showSongProgress": true,
    "showSectionNames": false,
    "showSectionProgress": true,
    "showTimecode": true,
    "showClock": false,
    "showPosition": false,
    "showPositionBeat": true,
    "showQuickPlay": true,
    "showLyrics": false,
    "showSetlist": false,
    "showNext": true,
    "showRemaining": true,
    "showAudioInterfaces": true,
    "showRecordIndicator": true,
    "showMetronome": false,
    "sectionColors": true,
    "fourControls": false,
    "showPlayAudio12": true

Which would translate to:

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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That will be perfect! Thank you for all your hard work!

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