My Midi Controller for Ableset stopped working suddenly

I had 2 shows last weekend where I had a thing happening at both shows (on the second show I prevented it from happening during the by “fixing it” during soundcheck when I noticed it happening again, so here’s what happened.

My setup is 2 2015 MacMinis connected via ethernet cable, a playAudio12 and a MioXL.
I use a Morningstar MC6 to control Ableset (Start/Stop, Next Song, Prev Song, Next Section, Prev Section and Loop Toggle). I use the ethernet connection between the two computers to ensure they are connected to the same ableset setlist works fine. But on most occasions the Macs are also connected to a router (mostly the ones hooked up to the on stage InEar mixer) to be able to start my set off-stage from my phone (accessing the setlist through the browser on my phone).
So far so good, during soundcheck all worked as expected, but right before showtime I connected my phone to the ableset setlist and started the set. Then went on to play the first 3 songs without stoping, as they are setup to play in a row without any breaks in between and all was good. But when I wanted to start song 4 with from my morningstar controller it didn’t do anything. I unplugged it and started it new, no change. I didn’t have the time to close and restart Ableton and/or ableset during the show, so I went with the spacebar instead, which was kind of tedious, but got me through the gig.
So the next day I was aware during soundcheck and had the same thing happen to me, while I was showing a bandmate how I could start the set off-stage from my phone. I then restarted my footcontroller, no change, restarted Ableton, no change, restarted ableset, no change. I could only getting it back to work again by restarting my A Mac.
Unfortunately I can’t check the setup before the next show on Friday, and I haven’t created a log file (I’ll do that if it happens again on soundcheck on Friday).
Have you heard of a similar issue before?

Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:

  • **OS and Version: macOS Catalina 10.15.7
  • **Version of AbleSet: 2.7.0
  • **Version of Ableton Live: 11.3.30

Check your midi mapping in ableset settings. Mind got randomly deleted on my B computer after and update and needed re-doing.

I forgot to mention, that I checked the midi mapping. They were all there, I even tried to reassign them, which didn’t work. There was simply no reaction to any of the buttons.

Hmm, that sounds strange. To check if this is an issue with AbleSet or the MIDI connection, could you run MIDI Monitor to monitor the MIDI messages you receive from your MC6?

If MIDI Monitor can’t see incoming MIDI, it might be an issue with the way your MIDI network is set up. If the MIDI messages are logged in MIDI Monitor but AbleSet still doesn’t react to them, this might be a bug with AbleSet.

In that case, could you send me a video of the behavior along with a log package so I can take a closer look? You can create one by opening AbleSet’s status window, clicking the settings icon on the top right, and then selecting “Create Log Package”.

I hope this helps and look forward to your reply!

I’ll check that ASAP and keep you posted;)