Multi-Project mode - Load SAVED Setlist by Name vs. using a single ableset.json

I want to have all my songs, of many different genres, ALL in one Multi-Project (MP) Directory, and want to Choose and Load a Setlist, by “Setlist name” in MP (i.e, names like “Dance set”, “Reggae Set”, “Lounge Set”, “Spiritual Set”, etc.). So I am tossing in the following Feature Request -
Right now there is the existing Setlist “Save” function (which is available after any Setlist edit), so how about a “Load Setlist” function. Somehow, depending on the architecture, this may mean a number of ableset.json files would exist (each with a Setlist Name).
Upon hitting “Load Setlist”, AS would provide a list of all the Setlist Files available in the MP directory, and in this way, the whole on-stage navigation could likely be done with some minimal mouse interaction.

(note: When not in MP mode, it would be ok to use the #hashtag search function, but I see 2 issues with this <1> on-stage, the common practice is to minimize keyboard typing, and <2> I assume there is no #hashtag searching for songs when in MP mode, is that right? Could that functionality be added?)

as always, THANK YOU for considering these wacky ideas!

You can load setlists, here’s how:

Thank you agustinvlope!
Very helpful, I did not know this. It will be very helpful when I am not using AS “Multi-Project” functionality. Thank you.

btw, unless I am missing something (and I probably am overlooking something), this “import” drag/drop technique only works when not using “Multi-Projects” (i.e., when I have AS MP turned on, and use this IMPORT approach, I get all “song not found” errors…which, of course, songs in MP mode are not “locators” in one .als file, but rather songs are .als files in numerous sub-directories). Again, maybe I am missing something, but for now, I am finding this setlist load or import functionality is not available in MP.

This works both for single and multi file.

Yup, you are right. Just tested it again. Somehow I am initially not seeing the functionality that is right in front of me (dummy user error). Thanks.

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