Is it possible to see in the lyrics view more informations like in performance?
I write all the informations into the filename.
I want to display these informations instead only the song name
Is it possible to see in the lyrics view more informations like in performance?
I write all the informations into the filename.
I want to display these informations instead only the song name
Hey @Michael_Sommerer, welcome to the forum!
Currently, this isn’t possible in lyrics view, but you could achieve something along these lines in Performance view using Custom Styles. To do this, enable the lyrics option in the Performance view’s settings menu and disable everything else you don’t need. Then, open the styles.css file with a text editor of your choice and paste the following code:
.performance .split {
flex-direction: column;
.performance .split .info {
flex-grow: 0;
padding: 0;
margin-top: calc(5rem + env(safe-area-inset-top));
You can find this file by opening AbleSet’s status window, clicking the setting icon on the top right, and then selecting “Show Custom Styles”.
Here’s what this could look like:
I hope this helps
Thank you for your answer Leo!
That helps!!!