MIDI Notes for Lyrics Getting Messed Up When Deleting Time or Shortening Clips

Hi all,

I’ve run into an issue. Whenever I use Delete Time, the MIDI notes I’m using for lyrics seem to get messed up. This also happens when I shorten the length of a MIDI clip from the left-most part of the clip (shortening the clip from the right-most side does not behave the same way and continues working correctly)

I’m wondering if this behavior is specific to Ableton and how Midi clips behave or if it’s more of an Ableset issue. This does not happen often as we usually spend time before hand proofing everything and making sure it’s ready to go but this morning, our worship pastor wanted to shorten the amount of transition time between two songs so I deleted 1 bar of time during the count in. This basically made lyrics track thing that 1 bar was missing before each clip (at least that is what appeared to have happened). I know that I have used Delete Time in the past and didn’t have to change anything about the clip but i can’t find anything that would be different in this circumstance than the previous times that don’t break. Any guidance would be appreciated and thanks in advance for your help!

  • MacOS Sonoma 14.1
  • Ableset 2.7.0-Beta 7 (this isn’t related solely to being on Beta. It has happened for as long as I remember)
  • Ableton Live 11.3.25 Build: 2024-04-23_c493de3b05

Hey @iamderkis,

Thank you for reporting this!

Unfortunately, Live doesn’t offer a way to notify plugins when the length of a clip is changed or when you delete time from the timeline, leading to an outdated state of the clips.

To work around this, AbleSet automatically refreshes the clips in a track when you select and then de-select it by selecting another track in your project. Could you try if this works for you?

I hope Ableton will make it easier for third-party plugins to react to changes in the clips on a track, but this seems like the best solution for now.

Thank you for the clarification, that makes a lot of sense. It explains why I didn’t notice this behavior when building sets, as I was moving things around more frequently, which likely refreshed the clips. In this instance where everything was one bar off, I had only “deleted time” and then played the track without doing anything else.

I will submit a feature request to Ableton. Thanks again for the help!