After migration ableset to 2.6.x we started have issue that if we run ableset before ableton, midi devices which normally use ableton are occupied by Ableset. So now every time when we are restarting ableton we also need to stop ableset.
Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:
Leo, Did the new beta update fix this problem. Ableset is currently unusable for me because is takes control of several of my midi control channels, i.e, my Fantom 06 Kez, loopbe1, and my “Markers” channel that controls lyric changes in Bandhelper, and 1 more.
Windows 11
Ableton Live 11.3.3
Ableset 2.7.0-beta 2
The latest version of AbleSet should not have this issue anymore. Does starting Live before AbleSet make a difference for you?
If you like, you can DM me a video or the issue on your machine along with a log package so I can take a closer look at this. You can create one by opening AbleSet’s status window, clicking the settings icon on the top right, and then selecting “Create Log Package”.
Last week at rehearsal, about half my midi PC&CC commands we not working and I could see that Ableset had taken control of them. I couldn't take the time to troubleshoot it, so I ended up uninstalling Abelset because we had a big wedding gig on Saturday.
Anyway, now that I know what's happening and how to correctly load things, I am really looking forward to using Ableset.