Max4Live OSC server /subscribe

Hi, I’m trying to subscribe my Max4Live module and I don’t seem to be able to get a heartbeat from Ableset.

It work fine in TouchOSC, but when I try the subscribe in Max I’m getting nothing.
I might be not be formatting the message properly.

Please help :slight_smile:
Here’s a screenshot of my working TouchOSC and the more stubborn Max4Live device.

That looks correct to me. When you subscribe to events from your Max patch, do you see a notification from AbleSet?

When I first tried using udpreceive, I also didn’t receive any messages from AbleSet. This module only works when Live’s audio driver is active, i.e., you have an output selected in Live’s settings.

Maybe this solves the issue on your end as well. If it doesn’t, could you send me a log package so I can take a closer look? You can create one by opening AbleSet’s status window, clicking the settings icon on the top right, and then selecting “Create Log Package”.

Hey thanks for getting back to me Leo.
So I think I’m getting closer to debugging the problem.
When I use Max outside of Ableton I’m able to troubleshoot better. I’ll send you a video of me circling though different ports and recreate the issue. And I’ll send you the log also.
It seems everything works fine until I open my Max patch to edit from Ableton then that specific port goes dead until I restart my computer.
When the port (for example 8002) is subscribed I get a messages back saying “/subscribed” then I start receiving the heartbeat.
Then as soon as I want to edit my patch and I open it that port freezes, no heartbeats left and impossible to “re-subscribe” it just stops responding to anything I do.
Video coming shortly.

Just so you know, the reason I’m trying to get OSC readings in Max is to be able to use the A/B scenes in Ableset to create redundancy with my Max4Live patches.

Right now if I have the patches running on both A and B computers my signal is sent twice (I’ve got MAX midi routing patches to multiple outputs).
If I’m able to get the status of the current scene: “/audioInterfaces/scenes […1|2]” then I can tell computer B to mute the routing until scenes switch to B.

That’s a cool idea! This might be a cool feature to build into AbleSet as well – I’ll add it to my todo list :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to the video and hope we can find a solution to the udpreceive issue you’re experiencing!

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Ok here it is, it’s strange because sometimes it works and sometimes not.
I’ve got a video capture of it working and a video capture of it not working and I included the log file right after it was not working.
You can see very clearly what’s happening with the Max4Live code and the reaction when I open the Max editor in both cases.

Ok Leo, I think I’ve narrowed down the issue to one big problem. It’s very specific and I’m able to recreate it.

The issue lies with Max4Live/Ableton.
When I start Ableton, the port I choose (for example 8002) works perfectly, then it breaks when I try to edit the Max patch, EXCEPT if Max is already open before I open Ableton!!
Then it works no problem.

I’ve circled through these steps many times and I get the same result every time:
-Max app open before Ableton is open = no bug while trying to edit the patches.
-Max app closed before Ableton is open = the port 8002 stops responding completely.

Here’s a very clear demonstration on video capture and I included the Ableset log file.

Interesting indeed…

Thank you for sharing your findings! That’s weird behavior, but I’m glad you found a way to work around this.

Let me know if you have any further questions! :slight_smile: