Lyrics Images Are Displaying Dimmed Out While Loop Is Active

Hey Leo,

Long time reader, first time poster here. Let me see if I can explain it in a way that makes sense. Got a last minute NYE gig for a band that I used to play with that hasn’t been as active recently. The leader wanted me to incorporate some of what I’m doing in my new band and use tracks on a few of the songs along with lighting controlled from Ableton and all of that good stuff.

The problem he’s used to doing “his version” of a lot of songs which is different from the stems, and there isn’t really any time to schedule rehearsals between now and next week. I though I would just make click track only versions for those songs we normally do. He typically uses charts in OnSong, so I thought to myself I can try the images +LYRICS feature that I have never used before and just set up a click track. I set up click track loops for each page, but the image is dimmed out while the loop is active. I initially thought the easiest way to execute this was going to be to make a 1 measure click loop per page, that way it wouldn’t be more than a measure before the page turned once I hit my “toggle loop” footswitch. But as you can see in the video the image doesn’t actually show up full the way that I would want it to, until I deactivate the loop and then on the next page when the loop activates again the image dims out again.

Is there something simple that I’m missing or is it not possible to have the image up full while the loop is toggled on?

Here is a screenshot of how my project is setup and I’ll attach a video demonstrating what I’m talking about.

*Well it says I can’t upload the video because I’m a new user…

  • **OS and Version: macOS Sonoma 14.6.1
  • **Version of AbleSet: 2.8.0-beta.7
  • **Version of Ableton Live: 12.0.20

Leo? Anyone? Help :pray: :pray:

Hi Jeff

Have you tried consolidating each individual clip on your lyrics / chords tracks?

I’m not sure what you mean? I have one image per page.

I went through last night, and I just made each page 80 measures long. That should be sufficient. If not I put >> locators at the beginning of each page so I can go back a page easily if needed.

I really wanted to be able to use the loops for simplicity’s sake, but this will work too.

Now, that I sit here and re-read this, I’m guessing you mean consolidating each image clip within in Ableton.

I’ll try it… can’t hurt

Same here… I pointed out the issue in Scroll image when using png scores in Lyrics mode but with no response yet…

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Hey @JeffLieby and @Jan_Slawinski, please excuse my late reply! It took me a while to figure out what’s causing this bug, but I found a fix today and will release it as part of the next beta version :slight_smile: