Lyrics are blank sometimes

My lyrics are only showing up about 1/3 to 1/2 of the time. The rest of the time, the lyrics are blank. I notice that when this happens, the performance page shows “skipped” on the song duration even though the song is playing fine in Ableton. I can’t find the pattern on when the lyrics are showing up and when they don’t.

Windows 11
AbleSet 2.4
Ableton 11.3.13

Hey @snowbird122, welcome to the AbleSet community!

There was a bug that I fixed in AbleSet 2.4.2 where song sections wouldn’t show up in the lyrics of songs that weren’t part of the setlist. This might be related to what you’re experiencing. If you’re using an older version, could you try updating to the latest version of AbleSet and check if that fixes the problem?

If it doesn’t, could you email me your Live project file to so I can take a closer look at this issue and try to reproduce it on my end? Just the .als file should suffice for this. You can also send me a video of what the issue looks like on your end – that often helps with troubleshooting.

I’m looking forward to your reply!

I’m using AbleSet 2.4.3, so I assume the 2.4.2 fix should be included, and I’m still seeing this issue. I’ve emailed you a video with the project ableset.json file. Please let me know if you need anything else.


Any ideas on this issue? Is there anything more I can provide to help you resolve this? It makes the multiple-file feature unusable for me.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a reliable fix for this yet, but I’ll let you know when I do!

Were you able to replicate the issue? I think it might have something to do with me setting some of the cues incorrectly, but I’m just not sure. Only happens on multiple-file projects.

It doesn’t happen nearly as often as you described on my end, but I was able to reproduce it a few times.

If you like, you can share your projects folder so I can check if it happens more often with that. In addition, you can also send me a video of what it looks like on your end and a log package. You can create one by clicking on “Create Log Package” in AbleSet’s settings menu, and then upload it all here.

Thanks Leo,
I have previously emailed you the log files and a video of the problem. Did you receive those?

It seems that I didn’t receive them, unfortunately. Maybe they were blocked by Gmail’s spam filter :thinking:

Could you try uploading the files again using the link above if you still have them? That will definitely arrive on my end.

I just uploaded all of the files and put a link to the video in the description.

Thank you for the log files and the video, that was very insightful! I just released a new beta that hopefully fixes this issue: AbleSet 2.5.0-beta.6

Could you try this out on your machine and let me know if it fixes the issue for you as well?

I’m looking forward to your feedback!

Yes, this seems to have solved the problem. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!