+lyricloop request

Hey @leolabs I’m currently working on using MIDI Cues to control Lyrics
in another Macbook running Pro Presenter.

The issue that I’m coming across is that when I loop a section of the song, I also want the MIDI NOTES (lyrics) to be looped along. Could you maybe add a way for Ableset to automatically mute the main “+SLIDE” midi track and unmute a “+LOOPSLIDE” midi track?

I’m looking for a similar approach to “+GUIDE” and “+LOOPGUIDIE”.

Please let me know if that makes any sense! Thank you

I think this is what you’re looking for. In the MIDI Devices in Pro Presenter, using the MIDI Map, you can use the velocity of the MIDI note to set it to a specific slide in the presentation meaning if you loop section in the song it will go back and trigger that specific slide again. This is in contrast to using a “next slide” midi cue which works and is much quicker to program but does not give you any flexibility.

Will Doggett has created a template that is all laid out and he also has videos on how to use it (I am fairly certain it’s not hidden behind a pay wall but I am unsure). His YouTube channel and website are fromstudiotostahe (he also has videos on Ableset and has always been a great resource for me).

I hope this helps!

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