Lyric scrolling not working when ableset is loaded from desktop shortcut and set to lock mode

Hey Leo,

Recently programmed in lyrics for a show I’m running playback for. We have some sub singers and we’ve been using the lyrics as a fail safe for rehearsal and stage performance, but we’ve run into a slight issue with scrolling when I started creating desktop shortcuts for the band members on their iPad.

The song progress and all other features seem to work fine as well as lyric scrolling from the desktop shortcut, except when I hit the lock button to disable playback controls. Then the lyrics continue to highlight, but will not scroll with song progress.

Loading ableset from the browser and locking the playback controls works just fine and is our solution for now. Everyone seems to like the desktop shortcut though because it gives a full screen view as opposed to a browser view.

Let me know if I’m missing a setting or any suggestions to iron this out, but thought it might be a bug to bring to your attention.

We’re currently running newest version of ableset, Ableset version 2.5.6, but experienced the same issue in version 2.4.3 which we were running previously.



Hey @mpeiffer0621,

I just moved your post to Support to better fit its content.

Thank you for reporting this issue! I’ll see if I can reproduce this on my end to look for a fix. Could you let me know which version of iPadOS your iPads are running?

If you like, you can also send me a video of the issue in action, that often helps with troubleshooting. You can upload it to my support inbox.

I’m looking forward to your reply!

Hey Leo,

Sorry for the late reply. Had to get this set up at home after returning from our shows this past weekend. Video should show whats happening with the lock control and lyric scrolling interaction.

Here’s the video:

The file was too large to upload, so I hope a google link works for you.

I mention this in the video, but I wasn’t able to grab anyone elses ipad version/ios version, but this was basically happening across the board. Most of the performers had newer ipads than mine. I’ll try and gather some other ipad info when we’re back out for shows this weekend.



Hey @mpeiffer0621,

Thanks for the video, and don’t worry about the late reply!

I’ve been able to reproduce this issue on my end and have found a fix for it. It’ll be published as part of the next update :slight_smile:

Awesome to hear. Thanks for your help. And really just want to say how great the interface has been for our show flow. Everyone in the band is stoked to have it. Keep up the great work!

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