Leo’s song titles in 2.7 video

Not sure if this has been covered - maybe I missed a release note or something. But how are you / is Leo making the midi clips have the song name in large ( 8 bit style ) text - to be able to see from a distance… As per that latest 2.7 video.


I used a little tool that I’ve built for this a while ago: https://ableset.app/tools/midi-typer/

This allows you to create MIDI files where the notes spell out whatever you enter into the text field. You can use this with Live or any other DAW that displays MIDI notes in the timeline.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback! :slight_smile:

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Glorious! I missed that.

Will be using.

My only feedback would be, 1) would be nice have a cleaner font… But i assume there’s limitations. 2) Be able to do it inside of Ableton / not need the extra step.

BUT… Amazing work as always Leo! Very much appreicated!


I’m using pixel fonts from this website: BitFontMaker2 - Pixel Font Gallery

If you find one that you like, let me know and I can add it to the font selector :slight_smile:

While this should possible, it might be fairly difficult to achieve. I’m more familiar with web technologies which is why I developed this as a web tool.

TinyUnicode by DuffsDevice

Minimal4 by Saint11

These two may be beneficial if they take up less space. (If they don’t, ignore this…I haven’t tested for myself yet)

Hey @iamderkis,

I just added TinyUnicode to the font picker. The new version should be online in a few minutes :slight_smile:

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