I generally have auto-play turned off but on a couple of songs I would like them to start as soon as it load (I use multi-file projects).
I see there are lots of cues to STOP, PAUSE etc, but I don’t see anything to make the song start when it hits the cue. Currently my song loads, hits the first cue, then stops, which I would expect as AUTOPLAY is off.
Is there an override for this?
- OS and Version: 14.7
- Version of AbleSet: . 2.7.4
- Version of Ableton Live: 12.1.5
I’m not at a point I could test this out but I would imagine you could use OSC to turn autoplay off and on so you could just place that clip on the timeline when you want it turned on and then when you don’t need it, place a clip to turn it off.
I got with Leo and got some details on editing the JSON file of a saved set.
I can now go something like this:
Song 1
PRESS START for Song 2
PRESS START for Song 3
Song 4 (Autoplay after song 3 ends)
Song 5 (Autoplay after song 4 ends)
PRESS START for Song 6
Let me know if that’s what you’re looking for, and I can post some detailed instructions.
Hi @Maverick
Yes I would be very interested in more details on how to do this pls?
Thanks for your help
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Here is everything I do to configure and save sets in AbleSet.
I have created my own “ALL SONGS” file, based on the default JSON file that Ableset creates.
After speaking with Leo, he helped me identify what is actually necessary in the file, so I could clean it up and use it for a master. What I mean by ‘master’, is that I make a copy of it, and remove songs, edit parameters, etc. to save it as a SET. All SETS are JSON files. If you’re not familiar with JSON, no worries. It’s just a very specific file format that lots of computer programs, particularly web apps, read.
I downloaded a free JSON Validator, which helps me to make sure the SET file is properly formatted, before I attempt to use it with Ableset.
I’m using this one: JSONedit - Download
but any JSON validator will do. It simply checks for errors, like missing brackets, commas, etc. and let’s you know what to fix, so your file will work properly.
Here is an example file of just 3 songs:
{"filePath": "Buy Me A Boat/Buy Me A Boat.als","order": 0,"stop": true},
{"filePath": "Chattahoochee/Chattahoochee.als","order": 1,"stop": false},
{"filePath": "Flower Shops/Flower Shops.als","order": 2,"stop": true},
- The ORDER must be correct and logical, starting at zero. This is the order Ableset will sort the songs.
- The STOP parameter (true or false) tells Ableset to either stop at the end of the song, or go ahead and auto-start the next song.
- Of course your filepath to the song has to be correct and the JSON validator will not be able to help with that. Note: Ableton usually names the song folder with ‘Project’ on the end. I always trim that off, so my folders and song names are the same.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any issues and I will try to help you solve them.
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