Image Screen Flash When Crossing Sections

Is there a way to not have the screen flash when the Sheet Image goes from one section to the next? It is kind of like it wants to turn a page however, it is the same page. I am duplicating the clip because the clip will not transfer through sections. Thanks, Oscar

  • macOS Sonoma 14.6.1
  • Ableset 2.6.7
  • Ableton Live 12.0.25

Hey @barteloso72,

You can add the [nosections] attribute to your track name to hide section headers in the lyrics view. This should fix the issue of sheets needing to be duplicated when they cross a section. So your lyrics track could be called Sheet Music +LYRICS [nosections].

Alternatively, if you add the [full] attribute to your image clips, any section headers they cross should be hidden automatically.

Let me know if one of the two solutions works for you. I’m looking forward to your reply!

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Thank you @leolabs!

I’ve experimented with the two proposed solutions however, I get the same results. It seems to be caused by the locator markers. Once I remove the locator marker, it works as you described. Without the locator marker, I do not have to duplicate and there is no flashing across sections. Right now I have [nosections] in the track, [full] in the clips, and have removed the locator marker and it works great.

I do need the locator markers though because they make it very easy to navigate the project. I tried adding [nolocators] to the Sheet track with no success.

Thank you for your assistance!

Take care.

Hey @barteloso72,

Could you send me the project file you’re working with so I can try to reproduce this behavior on my end? Just the .als file and the Lyrics folder containing your sheet images should suffice for this.

If you like, you can also send me a video of what it looks like on your end – that often helps with troubleshooting. You can upload both files to my support inbox.

Good morning! I sent those files over to you. Thanks in advance for helping out here!

Hey @barteloso72,

Thank you for sending over your files!

I just looked at your project and found the issue. By default, AbleSet interprets each locator as the start of a new song. To mark a locator as a section, it needs to start with >, e.g. > Chorus or > Verse 1:

You can learn more about this in the Cue Notation docs.

Could you try updating your locators to match this format and let me know if that fixes the issue for you?

I’m looking forward to your reply!

Hey Leo! That is so awesome! Thank you! It is working perfectly. Sorry to have wasted your time. I feel like I knew that at one point and forgot. A lot to learn in Ableton & AbleSet. Thanks again for the excellent support!

No worries, I’m glad I could help! :slight_smile: