I’m having a trouble with my ableset lyrics…

Describe your issue here:

Hey! Hope you guys having a great day!
I got into some trouble lately that my lyrics are not comes up on my Ableset while i still have all the clips and files on my Ableton session. I got my lyrics clips on my Ableton but when i go to Ableset > Lyrics it says there’s no lyrics tracks found… I already tried quit both Ableton and Ableset and restart them and my laptop too but it still not working. Is this common issue or am i just got bad luck? I just got my lyrics all sinked up and do it all again is last thing i wanna do… Pls help me out… Thanks!

  • **OS and Version: Big Sur 11.7.1
  • **Version of AbleSet: 2.6.7
  • **Version of Ableton Live: 12

Hey @Gyumin, welcome to the forum!

Could you DM me your project file so I can take a look at what might be going wrong? Just the .als file should suffice for this, you don’t need to include any audio files. If it’s too large to upload to the forum, you can also send it to my support inbox.

I’m looking forward to your reply!

Hi Leo! Thanks for quick respond!
I just sent you my .als file to your support inbox:)

Describe your issue here:

Hi Leo! Just wanna let you know i’m still waiting for the solution about the lyrics problem that i asked you few days ago.

I added more songs and lyrics in my set recently and it seems Ableset Lyrics are just totally don’t working for me… (i got 3 lyrics file in my set and it still says there’s no lyrics tracks on Ableset) I don’t wanna rush you but i got upcoming shows end of the month so pls help me out asap… Let me know if you need anything from my project! Thanks :slight_smile:

The more information you include, the better. If you like, you can also attach images or videos.

Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:

  • OS and Version: (e.g. macOS Ventura 13.3)
  • Version of AbleSet: (e.g. 2.2.3)
  • Version of Ableton Live: (e.g. 11.3.3)

Could you share a screenshot of your lyrics track in Ableton Live?

Sure here it is

And when i go to Ableset it says…

For your Lyrics track it should be:

Anything that is a “lyric” track should have +LYRICS after it. see attached photo for reference


Oh i didn’t know that haha…
So the reason lyrics are not showing up in Ableset is i named my track without + LYRICS?
I think lyrics are worked just fine with just ‘LYRICS’ tho. It just crushed at some point…
But I’ll try it as soon as i gets home :slight_smile:
Thanks for reply!

I see you got a 'markers’ track there. What about renaming that to SECTIONS?

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Is there any benefit? Just curious haha

Yeah as far as I know it’s always been +LYRICS.

Yeah name it sections. You won’t be disappointed. :grin:

I suggest you go nerd out in the documentation for a little bit. You’ll be blown away at all of the crazy stuff you’ll be able to do.

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Guys i still can’t get my lyrics on Ableset… Pls help :sob:

I still can’t see my lyrics on Ableset even after i changed my track name to ‘+LYRICS’… Pls help me out… (still says No lyrics tracks found.)

Did you name it something like:

Lyrics +LYRICS


Can you provide a screenshot of what you currently have?

Guys! I finally found out!!
I simply added new song lyric on lyrics track generator on AbleSet and then i import new ‘Synced Lyrics for AbleSet.als’ file to my Ableton Set. It automatically makes new lyrics track on my ableton set and i moved all of my lyrics to new lyrics track. And lastly i restart all programs and guess what, It worked!!
Thank you guys for replys and hope that helps!