New to this OSC world. After reading through the documentation and playing around with some of the basic ones like sending a timed notification, its obviously an incredibly powerful tool.
Not having a ton of experience with it though I’m having a hard time thinking about how to apply it to sets, so I wanted to hear from people about how they are or planning to utilize it because I’m very sure I just don’t understand it enough yet to see the possibilities.
Drop what you guys are cooking up with it.
Pass the Information, Extend the Knowledge
We use Companion by Bitfocus for a lot of things (Pro Presenter, Soundboard Control, Lighting control, etc.). I have some midi clips set up that fires buttons in Companion using the external OSC. 1/0/0 fires the first button on the first page
i use osc to comunícate info on th show
for example, what track we’re on, time, bpm key.
that info is broadcasted through our network, and via a tablet or phone, our crew can see it.
for example, thanks to ableset, i can send cues like “dancers going in” or “fire in 15 seconds” and everybody can be aware of whats about to happen (specially useful for when we have a local crew )
For the crew I use browsers that open lyrics channels from ableset, with the cues.
I also made a custom app that displays a bunch of osc info from the different computers we have on stage (playback info, autotune info for each mic, resolume info) alltogether so i can see if everything is in sync and ok (as playback tech im in charge of playback, vocal processing and visuals, and each has a computer for it).