How are you using the +OSC tracks to send commands

New to this OSC world. After reading through the documentation and playing around with some of the basic ones like sending a timed notification, its obviously an incredibly powerful tool.

Not having a ton of experience with it though I’m having a hard time thinking about how to apply it to sets, so I wanted to hear from people about how they are or planning to utilize it because I’m very sure I just don’t understand it enough yet to see the possibilities.

Drop what you guys are cooking up with it.
Pass the Information, Extend the Knowledge :upside_down_face:


We use Companion by Bitfocus for a lot of things (Pro Presenter, Soundboard Control, Lighting control, etc.). I have some midi clips set up that fires buttons in Companion using the external OSC. 1/0/0 fires the first button on the first page


I’m using OSC to control our X32 Rack, for example to mute or unmute certain channels or automate effects. Here’s a PDF with unofficial OSC docs for it:


Is OSC recommended over MIDI to manage this?

Not necessarily – you could also do it via MIDI, but our X32 isn’t connected to the rig via MIDI so I chose to go with OSC instead :slight_smile:

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i use osc to comunícate info on th show
for example, what track we’re on, time, bpm key.

that info is broadcasted through our network, and via a tablet or phone, our crew can see it.

for example, thanks to ableset, i can send cues like “dancers going in” or “fire in 15 seconds” and everybody can be aware of whats about to happen (specially useful for when we have a local crew )

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Interesting - what are you using as the receiving / display app on the Tablets?

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Curious as well. Are other crew members just actively viewing AbleSet in a browser and using the notify command? Or something more specifc?

For the crew I use browsers that open lyrics channels from ableset, with the cues.

I also made a custom app that displays a bunch of osc info from the different computers we have on stage (playback info, autotune info for each mic, resolume info) alltogether so i can see if everything is in sync and ok (as playback tech im in charge of playback, vocal processing and visuals, and each has a computer for it).


Dang this is sick. Well done.