Help! Ableset won't respond after update - No Menu Bar Icon

I updated to Sonoma, Ableton 12.05 and Ableset 2.6.7
Now when I open Ableset it does nothing except show that Ableset is open… but no window pops up.

I used it all last year, no problem. Now after the update… no response. There is not an ableset icon in the top menu bar either.

I have a big event tomorrow and I use Ableset for it. I did not think that Ableset wouldn’t work since it seems so reliable so I fired it up today and nothing.

Any help or insight would be incredible. Thanks!

was your update only the sonoma update, or did you also update Ableset in the process? I’d roll back to the previous known working version of Ableset and try it if you did update.

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I actually figured it out… for anyone else that seems to have the same problem. (maybe it’s already been addressed)… but the new update hides the menu icon behind the top tab of the macbook pro screen. I’m not sure why it does that. So there is a new microphone icon associated with Ableton which can’t be disabled as of this reponse, and any of the other icons… and they all jam up under the macbook tab on the top of the screen.

So, I had to quit and disable some of the icons. Then the Ableset icon appeared and I could move it around to where I could see it. Then it worked. Hopefully if someone else has this problem they will see this post and realize it’s an easy fix.

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Hey @Shupe, welcome to the forum and please excuse my late reply!

I’m glad to hear that you found a solution, thank you for sharing it.

I agree that the handling of tray icons in macOS indeed isn’t optimal. Once you’ve opened AbleSet in your browser, you can go to the settings page and enable “Show AbleSet in the Dock” for easier access to the status window.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile: