Handle switching of external hardware via Midi in Multi-file Project

Hi all,

I would like to exchange how you handle switching patches etc. of external hardware as Keyboard, Amp Modeller Board - especially with Ableset using Multi-file project.

I came from one big Liveset and used Midi Rack + Macro (Variation) to trigger my sounds for my hardware (Ampero Stomp, Roland FA 08).

To trigger the effects I used Key mapping and Midi mapping - triggered with Maschine. The same trigger was also mapped to the locators, so I could directly jump to one Song and have every sound set up right.

Now with Multi-file project I struggle a little what may bes best solution also in terms of maintenance.
I wonder if it is possible to define specific trigger when liveset is opened - like an init callback.
Ampero Stom patches could simply be changed with empty midi clips (only Programm Change) but Roland FA requires a sequence of Control and Program change… here I used an M4L device so far.

The good thing with my current solution was that I had all the midi Sound settings in 1 midi rack using the macro variations which gave me an much better overview than putting (and maintaining) midi clips in the live set.

Unfortunately these macro variations cannot be automated in Ableton w/o M4L so after loading the live set I still have to use some midi or key trigger.

So what Inwant to do but don’t know how):
Trigger Macro variation at liveset opening and also at specific song sections / time during playing one live set.

Olease let me know your experience, maxbe you have some hint for me😀

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Some short Update, I tried Smooth Automator M4L device (Midi) and added this before my Midi effects rack. After adding the Automation line (could be also constant) Ableton is sending the messages right after loading the particupar live set - by this I have back my base functionality of Patch switching.

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That’s great to hear, thank you for sharing your solution!