FCB1010 Midi Controller Mappable but not triggering anything

Describe your issue here:

I’ve connected my new Behringer FCB1010 running in “midi messages” mode, via a U2Pro midi to usb converter, and I am able to map midi commands via Ableset, but immediately after Ableset “hears” the command for mapping, it will not trigger.

Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:

  • OS and Version: MacOS 12.7.6
  • Version of AbleSet: 2.7.4
  • Version of Ableton Live: 11.3.30

Hey @danielbusche, welcome to the forum!

I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues with the MIDI mapping feature. To troubleshoot this, could you post or DM me a video of what it looks like when you try to MIDI-map one of the buttons of your FCB1010 to an action in AbleSet?

If possible, could you run MIDI Monitor during the video to check what kind of MIDI messages are being sent to AbleSet?

I’m looking forward to your reply! :slight_smile:

Hi Leo - thanks for responding! Here’s a link to the video showing it since the forum won’t let me upload directly. Dropbox

Hey @danielbusche, thank you for the link! I managed to reproduce this behavior on my end and just released a new version with a fix: AbleSet 2.7.5

Could you try updating to this version and check if it works with your setup?

I’m looking forward to your feedback! :slight_smile:

Leo - Thanks so much, brother! It’s working as expected now. Many thanks!

Perfect, I’m glad I could help!