Everything Good?

Got a ton of SysEx Messages flooding in to/from PlayAUDIO1U Control and HST3. Causing Ableton’s indicator to go crazy.

  • **OS and Version: macOS Ventura 13.5.2, Catalina 10.15.7)
  • Version of AbleSet: (e.g. 2.6.7)
  • Version of Ableton Live: (e.g. 11.3.22)

Hey @miikaii,

These messages are AbleSet polling the current status of your PlayAUDIO1U every ~100ms, and are generally safe. However, these messages should usually not be sent through the HST3 port but through the Control or RSV ports. Could you DM me a log package so I can check what might be causing this to happen?

I’m looking forward to your reply!

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Hey Leo, sorry for the late reply. Hooked everything up today and nothing’s coming through HST3 anymore. So far so good after a good restart/start over. If it happens again, I’ll send in a log :slight_smile:

That sounds great, thank you for keeping me up to date me on this!