Error +lyrics

I already seen the instruction to adding image Lyrics… but it’s not working

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Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:

  • OS and Version: (e.g. macOS Big Sur 11.7)
  • Version of AbleSet: (e.g. 2.7)
  • Version of Ableton Live: (e.g. 11.3.10)

Did you add the “Lyrics” folder that is generated (assuming you’re using the Lyric Image Generator) to the project folder? Have you tried restarting Ableset and/or Ableton?

Yes i already put it in the folder… but still not working at all…
can you find any spot that i’m wrong

Hmm. I’m stumped honestly. Maybe start a brand new project and put it in there and try.

Hey @Ricky_Sutanto, please excuse my late reply!

This likely has to do with the structure of your files. For AbleSet to recognize the lyrics images, they need to be placed in a folder called “Lyrics” right next to your project’s .als file. Here’s an example:

With this folder structure, you can reference images by their path relative to the lyrics folder, e.g. [img:atw/atw-bass-1.png].

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions! :slight_smile:

Hello @leolabs Thank you for the updates…i already following your instruction… please do check my video…is it still wrong…is not working anyway

I’ll try to put a multiple images in this folder…

I try a different way ( many times ) :melting_face:

  1. Open a new live Set
  2. I drag the songs.als (Many Times)