Display next song in lyrics

Hi, I’m using the lyrics feature and I’d like to know if it’s possible for one lyrics track to display the next song and another not. This way the singer sees the next song but the audience doesn’t.

Thanks in advance!

This isn’t available as a style attribute in AbleSet yet, but you could do this with a bit of custom CSS. You can access the custom styles by opening AbleSet’s status window, then clicking the settings icon on the top right, and selecting “Show Custom Styles” in the dropdown menu. Then open the styles.css file you see in a text editor of your choice.

Let’s say the lyrics track for your audience is named Public +LYRICS, you’d add the following lines to the styles file:

.lyrics.public .line.nextSong {
  display: none;

This hides only the line that shows the next song on the lyrics track called “Public”. I hope this helps :slight_smile: