Difference between "Pause" and "Stop" MIDI commands?

Can someone explain what the difference is between the “Pause” and “Stop” commands when activated via MIDI? I’ve watched my set behaviour, but can’t really see any difference.

I have all my songs in a single set, as different tracks. I only have a single STOP marker at the very end of the set. I don’t have any PAUSE markers.

Hey @willharris,

The difference between the “Pause” and “Stop” commands in MIDI is indeed a subtle distinction. When you use the “Pause” command, it temporarily halts the playback but retains the current position within the song. This means that when you resume, it will continue from the exact point where playback was paused.

On the other hand, the “Stop” command resets the playhead position, so playback will start from where the playhead was positioned before you started playback before, e.g. the beginning of the song or section you jumped to before. This allows you to stop and then start again from a specific point in your set.

I hope this clarifies the difference for you.

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Thanks a lot for the info @leolabs that was my assumption as well, and my experimentation has now borne it out. The key was what happens when you press “Play” again - I was expecting the playhead to move after the Pause/Stop action itself, but it only moves when you press Play. It’s a bit confusing - I don’ think it’s possible to see from “status” somewhere that the playhead will jump when Play is next pressed. That said, I’m an Ableton newbie, so I’m sure I’m missing something simple!

Thanks again.