Custom per-device notes on performance view

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Hi All,

new Ableset user here. Is there a way to have per-device notes in ableset? Say our drummer wants to have his notes for a song, while I’d like to have specific notes for what keyboard patch I’d use for the upcoming song.

Is this possible? I know you can put flags in the ableton project, but that would be the same flag for each device.

Thanks in advance!

Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:

  • OS and Version: (e.g. macOS Ventura 13.3)
  • Version of AbleSet: (e.g. 2.2.3)
  • Version of Ableton Live: (e.g. 11.3.3)

I think the best way to handle this would be to create a lyrics track for each instrumentalist, and put the notes on there, either as text on a MIDI clip that lasts the whole song, or as an image. That’s what I’m doing with my own band and it works a treat.

If your drummer still wants to see Setlist or Performance view, they could always open AbleSet on multiple windows and put those windows side-by-side on their viewing device.

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Thanks! this is helpful - we’ll probably end up doing something like that.