Current line color in Lyrics

Hey Leo!
I love how lyrics works on AbleSet, but, do you think it could be possible in the future to set the color for the current active line while keeping previous and next lines white/faded? That could be a general setting (i.e. Vocals +LYRICS [yellow]).

Thank you!

Hey @mperaldo,

This is something you can do using custom styles. Just paste the following into your styles.css file:

.lyrics .line:not(.active) .lyrics-line p {
  color: white;

This makes all lyrics lines other than the current one white. You can then define the color of the highlighted line either per clip or for the entire track by adding it like in your example.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:


That’s it!
Thank you @leolabs !!

I should learn something more about css :slight_smile:

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I’m glad I could help! :slight_smile:

And I can definitely recommend learning more about CSS, it gives you lots of customizability options.

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