Creating my first Ableset Projekt from Single Songs

Hey guys - just a question for a newbie. I have 24 Songs as single Projects. All with a few Audio Tracks and tempo automation. How is the best workflow to get them in one full Show Projekt one after another? I tried to open one song, Copy the master tempo Automation. Close it - open my new Ableton project for ableset usage, and paste the tempo track. Close it again - Open the old file, copy an audio track, close… open the new one, paste again and so on. The would take ages. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I think there must be a faster workflow, isn’t it?

Looking forward to your suggestions
Kind regards

Hey @Stratopack, welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, as far as I know, there’s no faster way to build a set when your songs have tempo automation. On the plus side, you only have to do this once and then you’re set. Creating and editing setlists will be easy with AbleSet once you’ve set up your main session with all songs.

If you’d prefer to keep each of your songs in their own project files, you could use AbleSet’s Multi-File Projects feature to manage your setlist that way.

Otherwise, you might find some interesting tips in this video from Will:

Let me know if this helps! :slight_smile: