Count-In Issues

I’ve noticed that the count-in feature changes behaviour depending on what time signature I’m in.
For example, in 4/4 it gives me 2 bars which is expected… but in 6/8 it’ll give me 4 bars and in 3/4 I can’t remember what it gave me, but it was definitely not 2 bars.
Is this something that I’ve got wrong on my end?
If so, please help! :smiley:

  • macOS Monterey 12.7.6
  • Ableset Version: 2.7.4
  • Ableton Version: 11.3.22

Hey @Adam_Molinaro,

Thank you for reporting this issue! I’ve just managed to reproduce it on my end and am currently working on a fix to be released with one of the next updates.

If you’d like to keep up to date on new versions, feel free to subscribe to the Beta and Releases categories on the forum.