Compatibility with new iConnectivity PlayAudio1U?

Hi Leo. I very recently upgraded to the new PlayAudio1U playback unit by iConnectivity. I was hoping everything would work the same, but in Ableset 2.2.4 it doesn’t even show the PlayAudio connectivity. Is this something that can be made to work with the newer hardware?

OS and Version:macOS Ventura 13.5
Version of AbleSet: 2.2.4
Version of Ableton Live: 11.3.3

Hey @mrdrennan,

From what I heard, the PlayAUDIO1U seems to use a different protocol than the PlayAUDIO12 so AbleSet can’t communicate with it yet. I’ve just contacted iConnectivity to ask for documentation on this new protocol and will try to add support for it as soon as possible.


Ah…I was afraid of that. It’s a very robust piece of kit. Hopefully there will be some way to interface it with AbleSet, because I love that feature about the PA12.

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I just got notified that my PlayAUDIO1U order has been shipped and should arrive later this week. As soon as I have it, I can start working on implementing support for it in AbleSet.

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Awesome! Thanks for the update.

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Hey all, this took a bit longer than expected, but I just released AbleSet 2.6.0-beta.1 which adds support for the PlayAUDIO1U. If you’d like to try it out, I’d love to hear what you think!

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Awesome Leo! Didn’t take long at all. Can’t wait to try it. Best product support ever!!!

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Hey Leo, just wanted to chime in here. We are running the 2.6.beta.6 on our new PA1U. We just got Ablenet (and Ableton of course) up and running and it is processing beautifully. <1ms of latency and we are manipulating a master set file approximately 6500 measures and 230ish minutes long. Even the devices over WiFi controlling the show are near instantaneous. We have been building this rig for months, and finally have all the pieces. Me and the guitar player have almost zero experience manipulating midi in this fashion and have finally made our devices talk thru ableset and the PA1U. It is a great feeling!


Hey @Martin_Anderson, welcome to the forum! Thank you for your positive feedback, I appreciate it :slight_smile:

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