Chord Track Only (Without Lyric)

I think it is good for the musician to have a dedicated track to just display only chord progression for the song without the lyric? For example (8 chord inputs per line):

Am G Am F G Am E7 Am

Am G Am F G Am E7 Am
Am G Am F G Am E7 Am

Am G Am F G Am E7 Am
Am G Am F G Am E7 Am

Am G Am F G Am E7 Am
Am G Am F G Am E7 Am

Verse 2…
Chorus 2…

You can already achieve this writing that on a separate lyrics track. You can just name the track “Chords +LYRICS” for example.

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I’ve tried the chord track too, but I must also input the lyric in the track to make it work. I need to display just the chords only, and no lyric on the chord track.

I noticed a minor display bug with the way that lines with only chords are displayed, but I should be able to fix that soon.

Other than that, when you paste the chords into the lyrics tool, just make sure that they are all surrounded by square brackets, like this:

[Am] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [E7] [Am]

[Am] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [E7] [Am]
[Am] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [E7] [Am]

[Am] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [E7] [Am]
[Am] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [E7] [Am]

[Am] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [E7] [Am]
[Am] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [E7] [Am]

Then make sure that you’ve unchecked “Chords are above lyrics” and you should be good to go.

Let me know if this works for you!

Yes it works for me! Thank you Leo!

One more question. I know, I’m pushing…:slight_smile: Can you can enable or allow spaces to be within the bracket so I can have 2 chords in a single measure? 2 chords in the same measure are used in a lot of songs.

I tried to add another chord in the same measure but it became a text and is out of place.

[Bdim E ] [Am] [Dm] [Am Bmdim/E] [Am]

I’m afraid that isn’t possible as it would break the ChordPro format AbleSet uses. Instead, you could maybe do one line of chords per measure, so your chords would look like this:

[Bdim] [E] 
[Am] [Bmdim/E]

This would also allow you to more precisely time the chords in the arrangement view to sync them with your song.

Would that work for you?