Change .song-name font size - talk to me like I am 5

Ok so I have some basic css experience but I am simply trying to adjust the size of the .song-name element and I know I am probably doing something very dumb thats making it not work, but I need some help.

I see in the dev tools that the font size of the song name element is:

font-size: calc(var(–ui-size) * 14vmin);

I have tried adding both:

.song-name {
font-size: calc(var(–ui-size) * 8vmin);


.perfomance .song-name {
font-size: calc(var(–ui-size) * 8vmin);

I was attempting to keep the responsive resizing of the song name just limit its maximum size, but adding neither of those lines do anything. :roll_eyes:

Hey @calebstephen,

The song title size is a bit tricky to override since it’s dynamically calculated based on the length of the title. You can add the following CSS to force-override it with a fixed size:

.performance .song-name {
  font-size: calc(var(--ui-size) * 8vmin) !important;

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile: