Automatic drift correction toggles acting weird

Describe your issue here:

Trying to test automatic drift correction. Sometimes when I enable it on one computer, it enables it on both. Other times I’ll enable it on one computer but the settings menu on my B computer will contradict what I’m seeing on my A computer. It is very inconsistent and doesn’t seem to be any kind of pattern.

This an example of something I might see in the settings of each computer. Both browsers were on their respective machine.

Computer A:
Drift correction computer A: Off
Drift correction computer B: On

Computer B:
Drift correction computer A: On
Drift correction computer B: Off

Also, is there a recommended way to test if automatic drift correction is working? I’ve tried using the nudge buttons manually, and sometimes that works, but other times it doesn’t. Is it possible for the 2 computers to get too far off?

Please fill out these values to make it easier to troubleshoot:

  • OS and Version: (e.g. macOS Ventura 13.6.4)
  • Version of AbleSet: (e.g. 2.6.0)
  • Version of Ableton Live: (e.g. 11.3.20)

Hey @lpage, thank you for reporting this issue!

To troubleshoot this, could you send me a video of the behavior on your end along with a log package from both computers? You can create one by opening AbleSet’s status window, clicking the settings icon on the top right, and then selecting “Create Log Package”. If these files are too large to send via email, you can upload them to my support inbox.

Regarding your question, the drift correction is automatically activated when you start playback and disabled when three consecutive beats are properly aligned until you stop playback again. Once your two computers are in sync, it’s unlikely they will drift out of sync again unless playback stops.

I hope this helps and look forward to your reply!

Hello! I am new to Ableset and so far loving it, however the automatic drift function stopped working for me. It worked some time ago and now while preparing a new project I noticed it not doing the nudges. So far linking the computers together via ableton link seems to have solved the issue but I wonder why it just ceased to work. Are there any options or settings I need to adjust for it to function properly? I’ve tried enabling it on the main computer, the backup one and both - nothing happens.

I’ll appreciate some help.


After some experimentation - when I don’t use a network switcher but connect the computers via ethernet directly, then it works, however only on one computer - the main one. I can’t make the redundant computer do the drift.

Update - different buffers were the problem. I matched them and now it works fine. Sorry for the spam here, but perhaps someone will have this issue in the future.


Hey @Mateusz_Jaworski, welcome to the forum, and thank you for updating us on this issue! I hope to be able to improve the automatic drift correction in a future update, but in the meantime, I’m glad you found a good solution to the issue you experienced :slight_smile: