Authorized license for multiple users on same computer


Is there a trick to allowing my ableset license to work for any user on my Mac Book Pro?

I have my 2 Mac Book Pros authorized under my primary user account. When I do shows I switch to a different user. AbleSet is warning it is not licensed. I found a document to adress this for Ableton but I have not found one for AbleSet. Does one exist? If not, can this be done? Any info would be appreciated.


  • macOS Ventura 13.6.4
  • Ableset latest Beta
  • Ableton11.3.20

Hey @clarocque,

AbleSet stores its license in ~/Library/Application Support/ableset/license-v2.key. This file will only work on your computer, but you should be able to copy it to the AbleSet folder on your other user account to activate AbleSet there as well.

I hope this helps!

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