Audio Dropouts/Pauses during playback

Did this fix your issue permanently? I haven’t had dropouts in quite a while. I have a big session with many songs and it doesn’t drop. I took two of those songs and placed them in a set for a short show and got a dropout around chorus 1 of one of the song at two different occasions. This is driving me nuts. Not being able to rely on my equipment is of course very frustrating!!

Hey @producerkeith1, welcome to the forum!

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve experienced dropouts with Ableton Live! I know this can be very frustrating.

The solution I posted above is still working for me, but if it isn’t working for you, could you post some more information for troubleshooting?

  • Are you running both the old and new project on the same machine and with the same audio interface?
  • Do the dropouts always occur in similar places, like the chorus 1 you mentioned or are there other places where this has happened as well?
  • Does Live’s CPU meter spike when the dropouts occur?
  • Do you see any interesting lines in Live’s Log.txt file when the dropout occurs?

It might also be worth reaching out to Ableton with this issue as they likely have more insight into what might be causing this.

I’m looking forward to your reply!