Asking for password

When I open AS on another user on my mac book pro, abbleset asked for a password to control things even though I have pass code disabled. This does not happen every time but more often than not. I chalked this up to possibly being an issue with the beta because I have a beta copy on this mac. Today when I logged in to a to a different system remotely I got the same lock screnn. This machine is not running beta.

Any ideas? Sorta seems like it might be related to his user account on my mac.

-macOS Monterey
-Version of AbleSet: various
-Version of Ableton Live: 11.3.20

@leolabs today the first time I opened up the remote session it did not ask for password. The next time I did it, it did. Any thoughts?

Hey @clarocque, that’s an interesting bug!

I’ve tried to reproduce it on my end with different user accounts, but couldn’t manage to evoke the same behavior. I did notice a few issues in the code that might lead to similar behavior though and will try to release a fix soon.

In the meantime, if this happens again, could you upload a log package to my support inbox so I can take a look at what might be causing this issue on your end? You can create one by opening AbleSet’s status window, clicking the settings icon on the top right, and then selecting “Create Log Package”.

I’m looking forward to your reply!

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@leolabs is this beta 10 items reference this?

  • Fixed an issue that would make AbleSet seem like it’s locked when the authorization state couldn’t be checked

If it is, it probably was happening when I would disable wifi/internet because we are using dante. Though I did not think of that at the time.

Yeah, that’s what I addressed with this fix :slight_smile:

When the web app couldn’t reach the computer AbleSet was running on, it would assume you were unauthorized and ask for a password even though it couldn’t actually check that.

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