Additional loop when looping at the start of a song if playback hasn't stopped

Hi, I’ve found what might be a bug with how AbleSet handles looping when the first section of a song is being looped.

I have a song which loops its first few bars before advancing (using +LOOPFULL). If playback is stopped and I press Play to start the song, the opening section loops until I disengage the loop. That works as expected.

However, if I’m playing the previous song and hit Next Song (i.e. playback does not stop in between), this starts the loop as expected, but you can see in Performance view that Restart Song appears and disappears:

What I’m seeing specifically is the ‘Jump to Previous Song’ arrow shows for the first couple of seconds of the loop, then it changes to Restart Song and pulses. This occurs each loop.

When I disengage the loop, the section will always loop one additional time.

I also notice that ‘This Town’ (the current song) is incorrectly showed as queued below. When the ‘additional’ loop is finished the correct next song is then shown.

  • OS and Version: macOS Sonoma 14.5
  • Version of AbleSet: 2.6.7
  • Version of Ableton Live: 12.0.10

Hey @LewisDavie,

That sounds like a bug, thank you for reporting it!

Could you DM or email me the project file you’re working with so I can try to reproduce this on my end and look for a fix? Just the .als file should suffice, you don’t have to include any audio files.

I’m looking forward to your reply!

Thanks Leo! Just emailed you.

Hey @LewisDavie,

Thank you for sending me the project file!

I’ve just tried to reproduce this behavior on my end but unfortunately, I haven’t been able to yet. Could you reproduce this issue again and then send me a log package so I can take a closer look at what might be causing this?

You can create one by opening AbleSet’s status window, clicking the settings icon on the top right, and then selecting “Create Log Package”.

I’m looking forward to your reply!