Ableset remove from machine and add to another

I have ableset active on 2 machine.
My one machine is no more alive now. How can I de-activate ableset on that machine and add it on my new machine

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Hey @iGaurav, welcome to the forum and please excuse my late reply!

Could you DM me the last part of your license key along with the name of the machine you’d like your license to be deactivated on? I’ll deactivate it from my end then :slight_smile:

Last part of licence - C63505C4

This Machine has to be deactivated.
Ankit’s MacBook Pro
Last seen 2024-01-13

@leolabs . Please make this on a priority. I have a gig tomorrow.
Thank you.

Hey @iGaurav,

I just disabled your license on “Ankit’s MacBook Pro” so you can now activate it on a new computer.

Please let me know if this works for you!

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Thank you so much for making it quick.

Hi. My Lincense is 6ADBEFEB.
Could you please disable the second activation “MacBook Pro von Paul”?
Last seen Last seen 2024-04-19
Thanks, all the best, Mike

I’ve just deactivated it :slight_smile: