Ableset operation with Oaktone Oakboard Floor Vista

I just recently started using the Oakboard Floor Vista pedal, and I love it.
However, I noticed that the time difference between “press” and “hold” is short enough to cause the pedal to occasionally interpret my “press” as a “hold”. I don’t currently use any “sections” in my Ableton songs in live performance, but if I “hold” even slightly too long, the pedal will give me the error message that no sections were found.
I would like to start using a Marker track in Ableton to help in some rehearsals, but I don’t currently have any plans to start using them in live performances.

A few questions: 1. Can I adjust the time of a “hold” to a bit longer, or if not, can I remove that functionality completely?
2. If I start using a Marker track in my songs, will that confuse Ableset at all, or am I safe as long as I don’t use the Ableset prefix to make it a “section” marker?

O/S - Windows 10 (probably 11 as well)
Version of AbleSet: 2.7.0
Version of Ableton Live: 11.3.30)

Hey @Dmcdowell48,

If you go into AbleSet’s MIDI mapping settings, you can remove all mappings for the controller that make use of the “Hold” trigger.

Currently, a press is considered a hold after 500ms, which seemed like a good balance between not having to wait too long and not pressing it accidentally. What do you think would be an appropriate time for this?

AbleSet will only recognize tracks named “Sections” as a sections track, so you should be safe :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any further questions!