AbleSet Displays Incorrect Locators, and loads at incorrect playhead position

Using AbleSet Beta with Ableton Live 12.

Is this behavior consistent in different browsers or does this just happen in AbleSet’s own floating window? Does the playhead actually jump to the end of the song, and does the setlist view show the song as almost finished or is it just the lyrics view? If you like, could you also send me a video of this behavior?

This happens in AbleSet’s floating window. The playhead is in the correct position, but Ableset jumps to some other point in the song, usually the end. If I hit play, everything starts as expected. The problem is that I need to see that first image BEFORE I hit play.

So, the remaining issue is just the ‘ghost’ locators displaying in the song.

I’ll share a video where the “Solo” locator was suppose to appear, but instead, a ghost ‘chorus’ locator is displayed.
The video is named "wrong_locators.mp4 and is in my shared dropbox folder here:

In this example, the song loaded at the 1.1.1 playhead, but the AbleSet floating window loaded the LAST image from the ENDING of the song:

This issue is resolved. It only occurred while testing some beta versions.