Looking for some advice on better understanding/best practice that I have been a little confused about.
I primarily use an Oakboard Slide Duo to control playback via Abletset. I first started using Ableset around December of last year and initially while becoming familiar with the workflow, I had MIDI mapped everything from the settings menu inside of Ableset.
However, I have not been able to figure out then how to utilize the sliders on the Oakboard to control other parameters of things, such as the filter frequency on a given track, or map one of the other buttons to something native to Ableton.
My understanding, which I am not so sure is accurate, is to use the Ableset M4L Devices to to control Play, Stop, Prev & Next Sections, and Loop Toggle. Playing in a church setting makes the loop toggle (and end of section) the most vital feature. However, the M4L Controller only separate buttons for Loop On and Loop Off but I need it to be one button. In this instance and I have been mapping the loop toggle the native button in Ableton and then using the sliders to map to other native controls. This works fine in my testing but I have not tried it on stage.
I may be in my own head about it, but is this the proper way to go about doing this?
I’m also unsure of the difference between the AbleSet Controller.amxd and the AbleSet OSC.amxd.
DISCLAIMER: I am very unfamiliar with OSC, so learning that is the answer to all of these questions, please let me know.